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Account Details

Account Details

Response Parameters

Field NameTypeExampleShort NameDescription
AccountDetailIDstring"1000256882229328"ADAccount detail ID
MemberIDstring"471114"MMember ID
InstrumentIDstring"BCHUSD"IInstrument ID
AccountIDstring"471114"AAccount ID
PreBalancefloat5.83568833PBLast static balance
Balancefloat5.83559288BStatic balance
Sourcestring"7"SFinancial transaction type
1: "P/L"
2: "Income and Expenditure"
3: "System Transfer In"
4: "Withdraw to"
5: "Transaction Fee"
7: "Funding Fee"
8: "Settlement"
a: "Liquidation"
g: "Withheld Profits"
h: "Refunded withheld profit share"
i: "Copy trading profit share"
j: "Trial bonus issuance"
k: "Trial money recovery"
i: "Copy trading profit share"
j: "Trial bonus issuance"
k: "Trial money recovery"
InsertTimeint1689696006ITDB Insert time
RelatedIDstring""rRelated ID

Response Example

"action": "PushAccountDetail",
"result": [
"table": "AccountDetail",
"data": {
"A": "36005550",
"AD": "1000167140823738",
"Am": -0.026451,
"B": 1998332.7691469,
"C": "USDT",
"IT": 1690804738,
"M": "36005550",
"PB": 1998332.7955979,
"R": "",
"S": "5",
"r": "1000168389225300"